Zhiyu Jiang 姜志宇

School of Artificial Intelligence, OPtics and ElectroNics (iOPEN)
Northwestern Polytechnical University

You can contact me by zhiyu.jiang.chn at gmail dot com.


  • 06/2018, Scene Content Parsing for Visual Image Data, doctoral dissertation. [Web]

Work Experience

  • 08/2020-now, Associate Professor, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China.
  • 09/2018-08/2020, Postdoctral Research Fellow, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China.

Education Background


My current research topics include:

  • Artificial intelligence, machine learning and computer vision.
  • Machine Learning, focusing on small-sample learning, few-shot learning, and open-set recognition..
  • Computer Vision, focusing on Intelligent Traffic and Remote Sensing, including target detection, change detection, semantic parsing.

Recent Publications

Links to: [Full List] [Online Demo] [dblb]

Video-based road detection via online structural learning
Y. Yuan, Z. Jiang, and Q. Wang. Neurocomputing 2015.
[Link] [Demo] [PDF] [Online Demo]

Video-based road detection is a crucial enabler for the successful development of driver assistant and robot navigation systems. But reliable detection is still on its infancy and deserves further research. In order to adapt to the situation consisting of environmental varieties, an online framework is proposed focusing on exploring the structure cue of the feature vectors.

Adaptive Road Detection towards Multiscale-Multilevel Probabilistic Analysis
Z. Jiang, Q. Wang, and Y. Yuan. ChinaSIP 2014. Best Paper Award.
[Link] [Demo] [PDF] [Online Demo]

Vision-based road detection is a challenging problem because of the changeable shape and varying illumination. Though many efforts have been spent on this topic, the achieved performance is far from satisfactory. To this end, this paper formulates a Bayesian method which simultaneously explores the multiscale-multilevel clues that are considered to be complementary.

Professional Activities


  • HDPA: Hierarchical Deep Probability Analysis for Scene Parsing, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Hong Kong, Aug. 2017.
  • Adaptive Road Detection towards Multiscale-Multilevel Probabilistic Analysis, IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Xi'an, Jul. 2014.

Editorial board

  • Guest Editor, Remote Sensing, MDPI.
  • Track Chair, International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks.


  • Transactions and Journals
    • PeerJ Computer Science (PeerJ), (2021-now)
    • Drones (MDPI), (2020-now)
    • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (IEEE, T-IE), (2018-now)
    • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE, T-ITS), (2016-now)
    • IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (IEEE, T-CYB), (2016-now)
    • Pattern Recognition (Elsevier, PR), (2016-now)
    • Computer Vision and Image Understanding (Elsevier, CVIU), (2016-now)
    • Scientia Sinica Informationis, (2016-now)
    • Neurocomputing (Elsevier), (2015-now)
  • International Conferences
      Served as TPC members of 50+ International Conferences, including ACM ICMR 2019, ICASSP2017, CCPR2016.

Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding reviewer, Pattern Recognition/Neurocomputing/CVIU, 2018.
  • IEEE ChinaSIP Best Paper Award, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2014.